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10,000th Rider Spotlight: Grand Rapids, MN

Our goMARTI autonomous vehicle service just hit 10,000 riders. We connected with our 10,000th rider, Kaylien Miller, to see what she had to say about May Mobility.

In September 2022, our goMARTI autonomous vehicle service launched in rural Grand Rapids, Minnesota, which just hit 10,000 riders. We connected with our 10,000th rider, Kaylien Miller, to see what she had to say about May Mobility.

How did you find out about the GoMARTI service?

My mom was bringing me to school and had learned about May Mobility. She gave me four flyers to hand out to my friends so we could all get rides when we didn’t have other options. I’ve been riding for a year and a half or so, and I find it pretty fun.

How was your first experience in an autonomous vehicle?

It was pretty great! My first “driver” was somebody who I personally knew, so that made it way easier to feel comfortable in a car that’s driving itself. We had a lot of fun talking on my way home.

Has anything pleasantly surprised you about riding in an autonomous vehicle?

Definitely how reactive they are. There was one time when, if the car wasn't so reactive, we probably would have gotten into an accident because there was another car that came rushing by and our car jolted to a stop. We stayed safe even when that other car was driving unsafe.

Why do you find goMARTI useful?

I have an autoimmune disorder called lymphedema. It's really hard to walk around without my legs stinging. If I didn't have goMARTI, then I'd constantly have to depend on my parents for rides to work, rides around town, and to hang out with my friends because I don’t have a license.

Is there anything else you want to tell us about goMARTI while we're here?

I appreciate you guys for being here and I hope to use goMARTI for the rest of my life.

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